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Sara Abrogast
MSN-FNP Student, Class of 2022

What is your name, and when will you complete the program?

Sara Arbogast. I will complete the program in the summer of 2022.

Why did you choose Carson-Newman? Why did you choose C-N over other schools?

The first reason, among others that I chose Carson-Newman University was because they have a high pass rate for the Family Nurse Practitioner National Certification exam after completing the program. The University also closely matches my Christian beliefs and values. Another reason I attend Carson-Newman University is the flexibility of the program, which allows me to maintain a full-time job and spend quality time with my family. A bonus of this program is that clinical placement is arranged for you.

What have you loved about this program? What features have been the most meaningful to you?

I love several things about the program, but the most meaningful aspect to me is the professors. I have had a wonderful experience with all my professors so far. They are more than willing to help you in any way they can. They get back to you with the answers to your question quickly and take the time to explain assignments and any other questions you have in great detail. All my professors have encouraged me to reach out to them anytime because they want to see me succeed.

How has online learning worked out for you, and how are you achieving success as a student while balancing work and family life?

The convenience of online learning has allowed me to plan and schedule my time. I am able to spend time with my family and still work five days a week.

Would you recommend this program to other nurses and why?

Absolutely. I have had a great experience with the professors and my advisor, which makes the program exceptional compared to my past experiences with online courses. The program is dedicated to helping each student succeed and become well prepared and competent FNPs.

Any advice or encouragement for nurses who are considering taking the next step to become a Family Nurse Practitioner?

When students become stressed or overwhelmed, I would encourage them to remember their ultimate goal of becoming a future Family Nurse Practitioner. I encourage them to reach out to their professors and advisor when you need help because they are very helpful. I suggest reaching out to other students in the program for support because they are going through the same thing and understanding how you feel.

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